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Energy Art Salon Competition 2011

 •  43 finalist artworks selected from 99 entries, announced on March 1, 2011
 •  artists entered 1-3 artworks and the following qualify for exhibition at the Energy Art Salon 2011
 •  download the results with more details as an [ xls ]

Top 5 Artworks by Your Votes

Lindsay Swan  —  The Dragon Came By and I Got On
The Dragon Came By and I Got On

Lindsay Swan  •  USA
Celestial Shore

Adam Scott Miller  •  USA (Australia)  •  member
The Epiphany of Sophia

Adam Scott Miller  •  USA (Australia)  •  member
The Underworld

Nikki Ella Whitlock  •  UK
The Spirit of Autumn

Nikki Ella Whitlock  •  UK

Top 5 Artworks by Artist Votes

Hiroyuki Saito  —  Beyond the Phoenix Wings
Beyond the Phoenix Wings

Hiroyuki Saito  •  Japan
The Spirit of Autumn

Nikki Ella Whitlock  •  UK
The Epiphany of Sophia

Adam Scott Miller  •  USA (Australia)  •  member
Blossoming Invitation

Simon Haiduk  •  Canada  •  member
One Hundred Dragons

Hiroyuki Saito  •  Japan

Finalist Artworks

 •  ranked primarily by artist votes and secondarily by other votes

Spirit of Place

Adam Scott Miller  •  USA (Australia)  •  member
Inside Clover Grove

Simon Haiduk  •  Canada  •  member

Christina Williams  •  UK  •  member
Ships of Light Prayer

Hiroyuki Saito  •  Japan
Growth and Decay

Sal Hunter  •  UK  •  member

K.D. Matheson  •  USA  •  member

Giorgio Vaselli  •  Hungary (Canada)  •  member

Janelle McKain  •  USA  •  member
Yesterday and Tomorrow

Rita Dianni-Kaleel  •  USA
The Order of Chaos

Rita Dianni-Kaleel  •  USA
Good vs. Evil

Giorgio Vaselli  •  Hungary (Canada)  •  member
Flow No. 7

Helene Kippert  •  Australia  •  member

Joe MacGown  •  USA  •  member
Dante’s Group

Ronnj Medini  •  Italy

Christina Williams  •  UK  •  member

Jeroen van Valkenburg  •  Holland  •  member
Hive of Perception

Janelle McKain  •  USA  •  member
Wind Force

Ronnj Medini  •  Italy

Æres Vistaas  •  USA  •  member
Matrix No. 5

Helene Kippert  •  Australia  •  member
Downside Up

Lindsay Swan  •  USA
IMG_03243.52 copy copy copy

Pawel Lukaszewski  •  USA

Jeroen van Valkenburg  •  Holland  •  member
When the Rainbow Dances

Elena Bissinger  •  Romania
The Trail

Ronnj Medini  •  Italy
The Universe Drinkers

Michael Birnstingl  •  Austria

Sal Hunter  •  UK  •  member

K.D. Matheson  •  USA  •  member
The Knot of Time No. 6

Helene Kippert  •  Australia  •  member
Sun is Breathing Colors

Michael Birnstingl  •  Austria
Danza della Vita (Dance of Life)

Rita Dianni-Kaleel  •  USA
City of Loneliness

Mariana De Marchi  •  Argentina

Rollin Kocsis  •  USA  •  member
Overlapping Realities No. 1

Heidi Koubek  •  Austria  •  member
Butterfly Tree

Biljana Banchotova  •  Canada